One thing I can't say: Life is the same since going to New York City.
It was so big, so loud, so fast, so GREAT.
I know that might be a wierd thing to hear about NYC. It is such a materialistic place, and focus is mostly on self. But I found out quickly that people are the same everywhere. If you are kind to someone, most people will be kind to you. We all want to be happy, to find fufillment in life, to find a reason to keep living. People are people no matter where you are.
And it was in these people that we found the image of Christ. We saw Him in those He created, and because of this were able to love people and be Christ to them.
My team was amazing. I couldn't imagine going with a greater group of people. So willing to serve, so ready to give, so much fun! Because of this trip, I now have friends for life. We became a family, brothers and sisters loving and taking care of each other. We really learned what it means to be one as the Body of Christ.
This trip changed my life. Again, God allowed me to see the world in His perspective. He allowed a city that could be considered as a scary place become my new favorite place. I love this city, and I'm looking forward to my return.
Laura, Adam, Chris, Jonathan, Erin, Ashley, Marissa, Nick, Andrew, Christine, Lisa. What a blessing to serve with you all. When are we going again?