In the past few months, an intriguing subject has been the topic of many conversations with two close friends of mine: Knees.
Shawn, a Florida boy who has been raised being pulled behind a ski boat, had a very unfortuate incident happen during the summer months. While he was wakeboarding, his knee blew out on him. And he wasn't even doing a trick! The result has been painful surgery with a slow, uncomfortable recovery.
Laura, who is actually a distant relative of Shawn's (ironic,eh?), also had a knee incident within the last couple of weeks. She was on a run and jumped over a chain not even a foot off the ground, and suddenly she was down on the gravel with a gash in her knee all the way to the bone. She is off her crutches and gets her stitches out tomorrow, but her knee will still be sore for quite a long while.
What's special about these 2 people is that they are both children of God. God the Father is their Abba. Jesus Christ is their Teacher, Master and Rabbi. And the Holy Spirit is their Comfort and Joy. Because of injury and circumstance, they have been given the opportunity to spend more time at the knee of the Lord, learning, studying...just spending time with Him.
What have I learned from the knee injuries of my friends?
That I need to spend more time on mine.
What does it take for us to purposefully sit at the feet of the Lord? Pain, death, suffering? Shouldn't we be there at all times, just because we want to be?
I think we all need to pray for the heart of Mary, who spent her time with Christ at His feet. On her knees.
Lord, if you have to take us out at the knees, do what you have to do for us to spend that time with you.
Like Shawn and Laura, Lord, make me weak in the knees.