I know! What the heck does that mean? Well, I'm sure it's grammatically incorrect somewhere. But what is means is part of a new chapter that the Lord has called me to in my life.
In this time of stepping back, trying to figure what God wants me to do next, or where God wants me to go, one thing He has made clear...
"Pamela, learn Greek!"
So, I'm going to start with making myself familiar with the beautiful Greek alphbet (have you ever realized that the word "alphabet" is the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, Alpha and Beta?). I will go over it and over it until I dream about the letters and it's so familiar that I don't have to think about it. Then, I will start with Biblical Greek, followed by Modern Greek.
Greek is not an easy language! But if I'm called to it, I trust that I will have a knack for it. I'm sure there still will be times of frustration, and a desire to quit, but I pray that I will press on in obedience.
I don't know what it means for the future....but I will wait with anticipation on the Lord,..."like they who wait for the morning" Psalm 130:5,6.
I'm excited, but still need your many prayers. Thanks!